I live in New York, USA. My son, Peter, was diagnosed with severe autism and global developmental delay at the age of 18 months. We didn’t have a KAT6A diagnosis till the age of 8 years old. After many online research, after talking with multiple geneticists around the country and talking to other families with the same diagnosis, I started giving Peter the mitochondrial cocktail following Dr Richard Kelley recommendations.
Here’s my experience with the mitochondrial cocktail:
– At 4 weeks after the start of the cocktail, Peter became potty-trained during the day without any training. He pulled his pull up off, refused to put it back on.
-At 2 months, Peter started riding his bike with no training wheels and playing soccer. He became able to kick the ball and run after it till he scores.
-At 2.5 months, he started skiing independently. I used to try to teach how to ski since he was 3yo. I used to spend hours and hours picking him up off the snow with no result. I tried different kind of reinforcers (food,..) with no result. After the cocktail, he just went down the hill by himself, He can ski independently now and knows how to make turns.
-At 2-3 months, I started noticing an increased strength in playing ice hockey and street hockey with a better understanding of the game. His typing ability improved too, he used to have severe apraxia while typing (type the letter next to the letter he wants to type…).
-At 3-4 months, Peter’s fingers on the piano became stronger, he became able to play harder songs with less training and less frustration. I also noticed an increase in “common sense” like for example putting his backpack in the car instead of throwing it on the floor next to the car and riding the car without his backpack. Another example, when we go to the public library, he knows by himself that he has to go to the children section, and walks independently without showing him directions to the play area inside the children section. In the past, he used to grab books the time he enters the library, throw a tantrum on the floor. The most important milestone is that Peter started to say few words that I can understand.
-At 11 months, Peter became potty-trained at night. His speech is slowly getting clearer. His fine and gross motor skills are still getting better.
Natacha, Peter’s mom