To all the children who attended the KAT6A clinic,

Whether you are a child or a sibling of a child affected by the KAT6A Syndrome,

I would like to thank you for your patience, compassion, and your incredible tolerance of each other feelings and behaviors.

You came to Baltimore after sitting in a car for long hours or waiting in a line at an airport to take a flight.

You slept in a hotel room for a night or two, away from your own bed, away from your books and your toys. You had to hang out with adults for dinner at restaurants that don’t have play areas or toys or games or even arts and crafts.

And your most incredible achievement was to attend a full day of scientific conferences with your parents. The friendships and relationships that you built were remarkable. In just few hours, you all knew each other names and hobbies; you all played, talked and ate together like you were “old time” friends.

Thank you for teaching us how to behave like true humans.

Thank you for teaching us love.


KAT6A Foundation Science Director